Scenthound Reston

Join now for $34/mo

and lock in the best rate for life!

North Point Village Center
1434 North Point Village Center
Reston, VA 20194


(703) 665-6740

Happy, healthy pups start with hygiene

Regular Basic Hygiene keeps your fur family feeling their best, and Scenthound makes staying on top of their routine care convenient and affordable. 

Scenthound is a wellness-focused dog care concept — our primary goal is to keep your pup clean and healthy. We focus on the five core areas that all dogs need care: 

Founding Membership covers the basic hygiene & routine care your dog needs to feel their best — at the lowest price we’ll EVER offer. Monthly visits include:

  • Bath, ear cleaning, nail trim, teeth brushing

  • 25% off all other services & member freebies

Sign up now to snag our pre-open rate!

Why wait just to pay more?

Secure your Founding Membership today and get your dog the routine care they deserve!