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How to Keep Your Pup Flea and Tick-Free!

Dealing with fleas and ticks isn't just a hassle – it's a health concern for our dogs. Keeping an eye out for these critters can help prevent them, let's dive in and learn how to safeguard your pup against fleas and ticks!

Step 1: Pick a Bright Spot for Inspection
Find a comfy spot with good lighting – either indoors by a window or outside on a sunny day – this will help you see clearly to spot any pesky parasites.

Step 2: Gather Your Gear

Grab these essentials before you start:

  • A fine-toothed flea comb

  • Tweezers or a tick removal tool

  • Gloves

  • Optional: a magnifying glass for a closer look


Step 3: Give Your Pup a Once-Over

Run your hands gently over your dog's whole body, paying extra attention to these spots:

•          Around the ears

•          Under the collar

•          Between the toes

•          Under the tail

•          Around the belly and armpits


Step 4: Comb Through for Fleas

Time to break out the flea comb! Run it through your pup's fur, focusing on those trouble spots we mentioned earlier. Keep an eye out for tiny black specks (that's flea dirt) or any fast-moving critters hopping around. If you spot a flea on the comb, quickly dunk the comb into hot, soapy water. Don’t try to squish them – fleas jump quickly and can be hard to kill by hand. If you spot any fleas on your pup, be sure to contact your vet for treatment options!


Step 5: Check for Ticks

Ticks are often found in grassy or wooded areas and can attach themselves to your dog's skin and feed on their blood, it’s important to remove ticks as soon as possible to reduce the chance of spreading disease. Ticks love to hide in warm, cozy spots, so be thorough in your search. Part your pup's fur and look closely, especially in hidden areas like the ears and between the toes. If you find a tick, put on some gloves and use tweezers to grasp the head of the tick as closely to the dog’s skin as possible, pull with a firm, steady, upward motion making sure to get it all out. Afterward, clean your hands thoroughly, apply a disinfectant to the wound to prevent infection, and then contact your vet.


Step 6: Say Bye-Bye to Pests

Dispose of any fleas or ticks you find safely – seal them in a container or flush them down the toilet. Avoid squishing them with your fingers to prevent spreading any disease-spreading germs.


Step 7: Prevention is the Best Medicine

Once you've finished your inspection, it's time to stay ahead of the game! Preventive measures are paramount for keeping your dog flea and tick-free, so talk to your veterinarian about flea and tick preventatives that are right for your pup. In addition, make sure you are keeping up with your pup’s routine hygiene care to keep them clean and ensure you are on top of any issues that might arise.


Regular check-ups and preventive measures are key to keeping your dog happy and healthy. By following these steps and staying proactive, you'll help your pup live their best, itch-free life!