How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent Dog Hotspots

Hotspots are itchy and painful and can form on your dog’s skin for various reasons. Fortunately, pet parents can alleviate the pain and even stop them before they gain a foothold.

Golden retriever looking sad

Key takeaways:

  • Hotspots are painful, itchy patches of skin on a dog.

  • They are caused by licking and chewing brought on by an infection or allergies.

  • Pet parents can treat hotspots at home, but a veterinarian can treat the underlying causes.

Nothing breaks your heart like when your pup is in pain. Itchy, painful dog hotspots are a common canine skin condition, but that doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking to watch the constant licking, chewing, and scratching of an uncomfortable pup.

Acute moist dermatitis, otherwise known as “hotspots” can appear anywhere on a dog’s body, most commonly on the head, neck, and limbs. They are typically caused by an underlying condition, and while they can show up out of nowhere, they can turn from small red spots to large, irritated sores in no time.

Dog hot spots can be easily treated and will disappear altogether, but they can lead to additional skin problems and widespread infection without proper care. Read on to find out what causes dog hotspots, the best dog hotspot treatment, and what you can do to prevent them in the future.

Why do dogs get hotspots?

The obvious cause of a hotspot is repetitive scratching, chewing, and licking in one area. This leads to inflammation and secondary bacterial infections, which itch, and then the whole process starts over.

Whatever causes the initial scratching and licking is the underlying cause of hotspots. Common conditions that cause hotspots include:

  • Allergies

  • Boredom licking

  • Ear infections

  • Inflamed anal glands

  • Poor grooming

  • Swimmer’s ear

  • Trapped moisture from swimming or bathing

Breeds like German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are more susceptible to skin conditions and get hotspots more frequently than other breeds. Heat and humidity trap moisture beneath the fur and make hotspots worse, which means pups who love to swim in warm months often experience them.

Many of the conditions that cause hotspots are chronic, too, so it’s important to speak with your vet if you notice frequent recurrences.

Hot Spot treatment for dogs

When treating hot spots on dogs it is important to identify the underlying cause, as this is the first step to protecting your dog’s health. A visit to the vet is the only way to get to the bottom of the problem, but you can relieve some of the discomfort in the meantime. Here are some tips:

  • Moisture slows down the healing process. Prevent moisture from getting trapped near the affected area by keeping fur trimmed.

  • Clean the skin with an antibacterial shampoo or use a mild water-based antiseptic wipe or spray. Your vet can recommend a nontoxic hotspot treatment to spray at the first sign of trouble.

  • Monitor the area for improvements, such as decreased redness and smaller lesions.

  • If that doesn’t happen, or if hotspots are a constant battle, it’s time to visit the vet to determine and treat the underlying cause.

The vet may prescribe antibiotics, steroids, a flea treatment, or an e-collar to prevent continuous irritation of the area. But, the best way to manage hot spots is to stop them before they start.

Preventing hotspots on dogs

Determining the cause of your pup’s hotspots is the best way to stop them from recurring. It’s easy to treat an allergic reaction or infection, but it’s not always easy to conquer hotspots from boredom licking. Fortunately, there are several steps any dog parent can take that stop them in their tracks.

  1. Treat what you can – Allergy management, flea preventatives, and minimizing infections will reduce scratching and chewing, and prevent further skin trauma. Good hygiene and regular coat care are also important. Dogs that swim and play outside in the elements must be thoroughly dried after each activity.

  2. Keep them clean – Regular baths, brushing, and haircuts keep mats from forming and help skin stay healthy and moisturized. Visiting an expert in basic hygiene and routine grooming also helps by putting a second set of caring eyes on your pup to monitor their condition.

  3. Keep them busy – Deter your canine companion from stress or boredom licking by increasing daily activity and adding a few minutes of active playtime. Enriching their lives with puzzles and slow-feed bowls helps keep your pup mentally stimulated when you aren’t around. The extra activity and movement are also beneficial to the heart, lungs, and muscles.

  4. Add fatty acids – Supplementing fatty acids to your dog’s diet can help keep hotspots away. The anti-inflammatory properties in Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA found in fish oil help prevent and manage many canine skin problems. They also support a healthy barrier to protect against skin infections and allergens.

  5. Minimize irritants – Many hotspots are the result of everyday irritants and regular activities. Preventive care measures are an easy way to keep skin issues at bay while building a stronger and more compassionate relationship with your fur family.

Managing hotspots is one of the less enjoyable parts of life with a dog. Prevention and early detection are key to stopping most of them before they start, but recurring episodes can be signs of deeper issues. Routine care and regular vet visits can keep your fur family happy, healthy, and itch-free for years to come.

Canine care professionals at your service

Canine hotspots are painful and debilitating for your fur family and heartbreaking for you. Scenthound is a convenient, affordable way to provide routine dog care that keeps problems like hotspots and skin conditions from making an appearance.

Scenthound is modernizing how pet parents keep their fur families clean, happy, and healthy. We’re offering wellness-focused, membership-based dog care focused on routine and preventive care for dogs in five main areas – skin, coat, ears, nails, and teeth (SCENT) – so your pup stays in tip-top shape from teeth to tail.

Find your Scenthound location today for help giving your pet the best life possible.

Photo by REGINE THOLEN on Unsplash


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