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Festive Foods for Fido: Holiday Food Ideas

The holiday season is synonymous with festive feasts, but when it comes to sharing the joy with your furry friend, it's essential to be mindful of what's safe and healthy for them. Before you offer Fido a Christmas cookie or a nibble of that Hanukkah latke, let's explore what you should and shouldn't include in your dog's holiday menu.


Include cooked, plain meats like chicken, turkey, or beef in your dog's holiday treats. These options can be both healthy and tasty, provided you remove any bones and steer clear of seasonings or sauces.


Consider cooked, plain vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beans as a wholesome addition to your dog's holiday diet. Remember to cut them into small, bite-sized pieces and avoid adding butter, salt, or seasonings.


Opt for store-bought treats specially formulated for dogs to add a festive touch to your pet's holiday celebrations. Ensure you check the ingredients and select treats appropriate for your dog's size and age.

While it's tempting to share from your holiday table, it's crucial to stick to your dog's regular diet and avoid excessive scraps or treats. Overindulgence can have adverse effects on their health. As hard as it might be to resist those puppy eyes, it's in the best interest of your furry companion to maintain a balanced and controlled diet throughout the festive season.